Discover Lavender Products You'll Love

We have a variety of fresh lavender bundles, culinary lavender products, personal care lavender products, and a variety of lavender plants for sale at the field. From lavender honey and syrup to essential oil, lotion, and lip balm, all our products can only be purchased at the field during our season.

Visit Us to Purchase
  • U-Cut Lavender Bundles

    $10 for 150 to 200 stems of lavender or $20 to fill a 6" Lavender Trails decorative tin

  • U-Cut Sunflower Bundles

    $20 to fill a 9" Lavender Trails decorative tin

  • Lavender Plants

    $15 for a potted gallon lavender plant in  purple, pink or white

  • Fresh Culinary Lavender Products

    Add a touch of lavender! Try our lavender honey, olive oil, syrup, jelly, tea, and more.

  • Personal Care Lavender Products

    Looking for lavender specific personal care products? We have a variety of essential oils, lotion, soaps, and lip balms.

  • Fresh Lavender Bundles & More

    We have a variety of fresh lavender bundles and lavender plants for sale at the field.